2019 Shalfleet Village Fete.
Join us in celebrating our Traditional Village Fete, that has been held here in Shalfleet for over 100 years.
Bank Holiday Monday 26th August. Opening Time 2.00pm Closing Time 4.30pm
Entrance £1, Children Free
Free Parking – nearby
- Bob’s Honey
- Book Stall
- Bottle Game
- Bouncy Castle
- Cake Stall
- Children’s Games
- China Stall
- Church Tower Tours
- Clothes Stall
- Coconut Shy
- Crockery Smashing
- Dog Show
- Face Painting
- Household Stall
- Plant Stall
- Plaza Ices
- Produce Stall
- Raffle
- Refreshments
- Skittles
- Splat the Rat
- Teas
- Tombola
- Toy Stall
- Treasure Hunt
- Wheel of Fortune
All proceeds go to St.Michael’s Church, Shalfleet and the Shalfleet Village Hall.
We are proud to welcome and support the following charities who raise funds for their good causes.
Ability Dogs 4 Young People. http://www.abilitydogs4yp.org.uk
Action for Support. https://www.westwighttimebank.org.uk
Friends of the Animals. https://www.friendsoftheanimals.co.uk
Special thanks go to Friends of the Animals who organise and run the Fun Dog Show.
Many thanks also to Ability Dogs 4 Young People who help clear away all our unsold items after the Fete.
VN & NB Post Fete announcement 2019wordpdf