AGM Shalfleet Village Hall

All are welcome to hear about the activities of the hall. Your opportunity to offer fresh ideas.

Hall open at 7.00 pm for refreshments of cheese and wine, meeting starts at 7.30pm.

Shalfleet Village Hall
Minutes of Annual general Meeting
held in the Hall on Thursday 12th May 2016
Present: Brian Mead (in the chair), Michael Beavis (treasurer), David Bevington, Elaine Hayles, Chloe Sutherland, Hilary Waitt, Gwen Bevington
Apologies: Evan James, Michèle Smith.

Brian opened the meeting at 19.35. The minutes of the 2015 AGM were approved. Prop. Hilary, seconded David.

Chairman’s Report: Brian said that the period addressed by this meeting is 2015, though inevitably we may make observations about 2016!
This has been a year of steady achievement. Bookings have increased, no doubt helped by our improved website and the advertisement in Village News. We have a healthy surplus in the accounts, and are able to undertake regular proactive maintenance of the Hall.
Brian paid tribute to the successful teamwork of the management group: Michael is a dedicated treasurer and Michèle an efficient bookings secretary; both have also helped to keep the Hall clean and tidy, as has Hilary, our lunch club wizard. Chloe is always willing to offer help, especially in the field and on matters conservational; David and Gwen are master and mistress of the miscellaneous.
(The other members of the group said they wished in their turn to appreciate Brian’s self-effacing but ever-dependable and hard-working chairing and leading.)

Booking Secretary’s Report: Michèle could not be present but had sent a full report. Hall hirers continue to be delighted with the Hall – the attractive clean space, car parking and the outside area to use when weather permits. We have several regular weekly user-groups, as well as the lovely lunch club, now well established for the community.
We do not have the Open Studio event this year, but this reduction of revenue will be more than covered by three wedding receptions booked for May and July. The Hall is becoming popular for wedding events because the hire fees are reasonable, it’s on the main bus route, parking is easy and the setting is both attractive and safe.
There were other successful one-off events in 2015; there are available spaces left for 2016.
Michèle said she is willing to continue as bookings secretary. Those present were very grateful!

Treasurer’s Report: Michael said that regular users constitute a status quo, a steady income. Extras such as last year’s Jumble sale have been welcome, but may not happen every year.
In 2015 we had a surplus of just over £2,000. This year the surplus is likely to be less, since we are having work done to both windows and floor (last year we simply had the new gate).
Hilary asked about the protocol for running a bar. We do not have a licence, but users may apply for an occasional licence. Elaine will check the process involved and let Hilary know.
(This related to the Treasurer’s report as Michael has indicated that a longer-term project will be to save up for new paving at the west end of the hall and to the annex. Hilary is thinking of fund-raising events.)

Meadow Report: Chloe said that it worked well last year to mow paths round the edge of the meadow. It was helpful to have Jamie to do this and clear the brambles. The aim has been to consolidate the work done in the orchard. The branches Chloe has cut off she has put round the edge as a habitat for various creatures.
It has been agreed that the strip of grass outside the Hall should be mown 5 foot wide, but that it can be widened further to accommodate a marquee for the wedding events, on a one-off basis each time.
Chloe is still removing ivy from the wall. Navelwort has migrated there from the church porch – a pretty flower.

Brian thanked Chloe for her considerable effort with the meadow
Chloe said in response to questions that the compost heaps have been completed but further thought needs to be given to their management. David said they should no longer suffer from the excess of churchyard grass-cuttings that have been a problem in the past.

Open Forum: None of those present had anything to raise.

Election of Management Committee: Michael, Michèle, Chloe and Hilary were again re-elected as community reps. Prop. Brian, seconded Elaine.

Brian closed the meeting at 8.25pm.