1. You must not enter if you or anyone in your household has COVID-19 symptoms.  

2. If you develop COVID-19 symptoms within 48 hours of visiting these premises alert NHS Test and Trace. Alert the hall on 07541 856 934 and alert the organiser of the activity you attended.  You must seek a COVID-19 antigen test. 

3. Maintain 2 metres social distancing as far as possible: Wait behind the marked lines before you go through the entrance into the Hall to your activity.   

4. Use the hand sanitiser provided on entering the premises. Clean your hands often. Soap and paper towels are provided. 

 5. Avoid touching your face, nose, or eyes. Clean your hands if you do. 

 6. Face coverings MUST be worn unless an exemption applies to a person (eg for health reasons, those aged under 11) or a person has a reasonable excuse not to wear a face covering (eg when taking part in an activity to which an exemption applies). This is a legal requirement.  

 7. “Catch it, Bin it, Kill it”.  Tissues should be disposed of into the bin at the entrance. Then wash your hands.  

 8. Check the organisers of your activity have cleaned door handles, tables, other equipment, sinks and surfaces before you arrived. Keep them clean. The Hall cleaner cleans the Hall, the floor, the entrance and the toilet each week but not between each hire.  Please refer to Cleaning checklist kept in kitchen.

 9. Only one at a time to use confined spaces such as the entrance, kitchen and toilet. Standing or sitting next to someone is lower risk than opposite them.  Briefly passing another person in a confined space is low risk.   

 10. Keep the hall well ventilated. Close doors and windows on leaving.  

 11. Wash your clothes when you get home to reduce risk of transmission.

October 2020


Attendees Notice oct2020pdf